A letter addressed to a Republican member of the House of Representatives of the state of Massachusetts on the subject of a petition for a new incorporation, to be entitled a "College of Physicians" : pamphlet.
1020 Walnut Street Room 401, Scott Memorial Library
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Cite Item
A letter addressed to a Republican member of the House of Representatives of the state of Massachusetts on the subject of a petition for a new incorporation, to be entitled a "College of Physicians" : pamphlet., MM-286. Thomas Jefferson University - Archives and Special Collections.
Cite Item Description
A letter addressed to a Republican member of the House of Representatives of the state of Massachusetts on the subject of a petition for a new incorporation, to be entitled a "College of Physicians" : pamphlet., MM-286. Thomas Jefferson University - Archives and Special Collections. http://localhost:81/repositories/2/resources/117 Accessed February 21, 2025.